Messages from personalities in the world of music

Several messages about the initiative of the Castel Salbek Association, received from personalities of the Romanian musical world.


I welcome the initiative of creating a masterclass for youth from all over the world, in Romania – youth that is knocking on the gates of assertion. I was happy to find out that more students than available spots enrolled and that three professors had to make a selection out of so many talents. This means that opera is still important, that there are talented young people that can soon become our colleagues, that there is an interest in mastery. As an opera manager, I can only be happy to wait for them to come.

As we’ve already talked about the three professors, I believe it is a big opportunity for a twenty-something-year-old to be around and learn from three of the current best opera singers. To be next to Ruxandra Donose, Ramón Vargas, and Leontina Văduva – this is a huge opportunity.

Moreover, aside from the fact that it is forming and discovering young talents, the Salbek Opera Masterclass has the role of culturally and spiritually regenerating the rural area in which it is taking place. This is, perhaps, the biggest necessity and, why not, the salvation of today’s rural Romania.

As such, I urge everyone to enjoy their studies, the meetings, and the nature in which they will find themselves this week!

Daniel Jinga

Director – National Opera, Bucharest


I turn my attention toward this noble program that opens up the gates of knowledge and mastery among young singers, and I enthusiastically support the initiatives of organizing mastery courses in Romania, for young soloists from various corners of the World, eager to make their talent known.

Aside from the primary objective of helping young singers, the International Salbek Opera Masterclass has the potential of playing an important role in the cultural and social revitalization of the rural areas in which it is taking place.

This initiative contributes to the enrichment of communities and the cultural furthering of these less exposed environments.

I am happy to see that the number of enrolled students exceeded expectations and that the three Professors had to organize strict selections – it shows that the interest in the world of opera is alive and that there is a demand for profound development in this field.

For a young person at the beginning of their artistic assertion, the opportunity to learn directly from some of the most experienced contemporary opera singers, such as Leontina Văduva, Ruxandra Donose and Ramón Vargas, is an opportunity that promises significant development.

Finally, I wish for all the participants to fully take advantage of the opportunity to learn, to interact with established professionals, and to enjoy this week, in an environment perfect for developing and learning.

Dr. Univ. Lect. Florin Estefan

General Manager – National Romanian Opera, Cluj-Napoca

Greetings from Timișoara, everybody!

I was glad to find out that in the village of Petriș, in the county of Arad, an opera masterclass will be taking place. It is a unique opportunity for young musicians to learn from internationally acclaimed soloists like Ruxandra Donose, Ramón Vargas, and Leontina Văduva.

Organizing a masterclass in a picturesque village in the county of Arad is not just an opportunity to explore and develop artistic talents, but also an extremely precious effort when it comes to education and culturally impacting rural communities.

Education and culture have the power to transform and unite communities, and events such as the Masterclass in Petriș or the Gala in Arad are proof of this potential. I am happy and I feel inspired by events like this, and I wish them a long life.

Not least, being born in Arad, I would like to mention that I am the third generation in my family that has gone on the stage of the Arad Philharmonic and, as such, I share, perhaps, the emotions of those going on stage now even more directly on that blessed stage, in that gorgeous hall, that I have been to concerts in since the age of three.

Cristian Rudic

Manager – Romanian National Opera, Timișoara

Dear guests,

As manager of the Arad Philharmonic, I am grateful that such a masterclass is taking place in our county. The singing lessons in Petriș are an exceptional opportunity for the selected youth to learn and perfect their musical abilities, under the guidance of renowned experts of the musical field. The mastery courses in Salbek offer them the chance to interact with professional musicians and explore the depths of classical music.

Furthermore, I am extending a special invitation to you, to the Salbek Opera Festival, which will take place on August 27th, at 8 PM, in the Arad City Hall Plaza. I am happy to say that the Arad Philharmonic Orchestra, together with the talented teachers at Salbek — mezzo-soprano Ruxandra Donose, tenor Ramon Vargas, and soprano Leontina Văduva — will be performing a memorable concert alongside some of the students of the masterclass, with David Crescenzi as conductor. I am certain that those who will come to the concert will experience a magical night, in which the music will birth unique emotions and feelings in the hearts of all the participants.

I thank you for your passion for music! I look forward to having you by our side in these exceptional artistic moments.
With respect,

Laurențiu Muntean

Manager – Arad Philharmonic

Dear all,

With all my heart, I wish I could have been present at this exceptional Masterclass. It is very rare to meet masters of the global musical scene all in one place. Ruxandra Donose, Ramón Vargas, and Leontina Văduva are pinnacles of mastery in terms of music and the lyrical scene from all over the world.

I congratulate the organizers, I am sending my profound admiration to the maestros and I salute those who have the opportunity to learn from the best.

Good luck to this first edition of the International Salbek Opera Masterclass!

Daniela Vlădescu

Manager – “Oleg Danovski” National Theater of Opera and Ballet, Constanța

Dear art lovers,

I want to congratulate you for organizing the Salbek Masterclass and I wish you good luck in completing the event.

It is truly a wonderful moment for the opera world, taking into account that you succeeded in inviting leading lights like Ruxandra Donose, Ramón Vargas, and Leontina Văduva to be teachers of young talents, for a few days.

I am happy that such events are occurring in our country — events that have all the necessary means to become cultural highlights. I wish for you to further them in the coming years.

SZÉP Gyula

General Manager – Hungarian Opera, Cluj-Napoca

Dear friends,

It is a great joy to see that an event like the International Salbek Opera Masterclass is taking place in Romania. These mastery courses in the Petriș village are not just an opportunity for artistic development, but an important step towards rural regeneration and the revitalization of the cultural spirit of this area.

Culture plays an essential role in the building of our communities and in redefining our identity. The masterclass that will take place in Petriș and in the neighboring areas is not just about music and teaching the youth, but also about bringing back to life a corner of the country that can celebrate its cultural richness and its authentic traditions.

This event offers the opportunity to prove how culture can be a powerful catalyst for change and development, inspiring communities to look toward the future with trust and embrace their own cultural heritage.

I am pleased to witness this effort to shed light upon the underexplored potential of rural areas and to contribute to the rebirth of a rural area through art and culture.

I am certain that the three artists, mezzo-soprano Ruxandra Donose, tenor Ramón Vargas, and soprano Leontina Văduva, were the best choice when it comes to shaping the 22 great future musicians. I congratulate all those involved in this step toward regeneration and flourishing.

With emotion and joy,

Marin Cazacu

Manager – “George Enescu” Philharmonic, Bucharest


I want to congratulate the organizers of the opera masterclass at Salbek. I believe it is a unique opportunity for young musicians to learn from internationally acclaimed soloists and to develop their skills and passion for classical music.

Moreover, I want to congratulate the young people that have enrolled in these courses. They will surely have much to learn from the three maestros. I am proud to be part of this community that offers opportunities for young musicians to follow their passion.

Andrei Fermeșanu

Artistic Director – Romanian National Opera, Iași


I was really happy hearing that three of the most valued lyrical soloists of the Ambasadorii Musical Theatre in Bucharest were selected to participate in the Salbek Opera Masterclass this year. As manager of this institution, I made efforts to raise the value and the professional experience of the artists that appear to the public, offering them opportunities to partake in even more masterclasses both in the country and abroad. This selection comes as confirmation and consolidates the progress achieved by the artists of the theater I represent, while also representing a valuable opportunity for them, but also for the Ambasadorii Musical Theatre.

The value of the Salbek Opera Masterclass is offered, first of all, by the presence of the coordinating maestros, but also by the conditions offered by the organizer. I offer the maestros of this masterclass a cordial embrace and I wish good luck to all of the participants of this masterclass — a masterclass which will be a reference for them in their professional career.
With appreciation,

Mihai-Ciprian Rogojan

Manager – Ambasadorii Musical Theatre, Bucharest