The second edition of the International Salbek Opera Masterclass – a continuation of our passion and dedication

We are proud to offer this unique learning and growth opportunity in a traditional and [...]

Vin d’honneur at the end of the Salbek Opera Masterclass & Gala

The first Salbek Opera Masterclass has come to an end. Many thanks to everyone who [...]

A look behind the scenes of Salbek Opera Masterclass & Gala

Salbek Castle, Petriș, Arad, Romania – August 2023

Thousands of spectators at the Salbek Opera Festival Gala

Gala Salbek Opera Festival, care a avut loc duminică, 27 august, în Piața Primăriei din [...]

Photo Gallery – Day 5

Salbek Opera Masterclass – 27-08-2023

Photo Gallery – Day 4

Salbek Opera Masterclass – 26-08-2023

Photo Gallery – Day 3

Salbek Opera Masterclass – 25-08-2023

Photo gallery – Day 2

Salbek Opera Masterclass – 24-08-2023

Photo gallery – Opening / Day 1

Salbek Opera Masterclass – 23-08-2023

Messages from personalities in the world of music

Several messages about the initiative of the Salbek Castle Association.